Target: ACMDB1 Version: Oracle Database: ACMDB1 Schema: ACMLHR Date: Aug 27, 2008 12:00:00 AM SQL Statement: SELECT nvl(sum(cvt), 0), nvl(sum(wht), 0), nvl(sum(wht_cot), 0), nvl(sum( wht_member), 0) FROM equity_trade_info eti WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM equity_trade et, equity_order eo WHERE et.client_code = :b5 AND et.trade_number = eti.trade_number AND et.isin = :b4 AND et.clearing_no = to_number(:b3) AND et.bill_number IS NULL AND et.buy_or_sell = :b2 AND et.order_number = eo.order_number AND eo.branch_code = :b1 AND = 1 AND = 1) Optimizer Mode Used: COST ALL ROWS (optimizer: CHOOSE) Total Cost: 418 Execution Steps: Step # Step Name 9 SELECT STATEMENT 8 SORT [AGGREGATE] 7 FILTER 1 ACMLHR.EQUITY_TRADE_INFO TABLE ACCESS [FULL] 6 NESTED LOOPS 3 ACMLHR.EQUITY_TRADE TABLE ACCESS [BY INDEX ROWID] 2 ACMLHR.PK_EQUITYTRADES_1__16 INDEX [UNIQUE SCAN] 5 ACMLHR.EQUITY_ORDER TABLE ACCESS [BY INDEX ROWID] 4 ACMLHR.PK_EQUITYORDER INDEX [UNIQUE SCAN] Step # Description Est. Cost Est. Rows Returned Est. KBytes Returned 1 This plan step retrieves all rows from table EQUITY_TRADE_INFO. 418 69,325 1,150.903 2 This plan step retrieves a single ROWID from the B*-tree index PK_EQUITYTRADES_1__16. 2 1 -- 3 This plan step retrieves rows from table EQUITY_TRADE through ROWID(s) returned by an index. 3 1 0.043 4 This plan step retrieves a single ROWID from the B*-tree index PK_EQUITYORDER. 1 1 -- 5 This plan step retrieves rows from table EQUITY_ORDER through ROWID(s) returned by an index. 2 824,039 9,656.707 6 This plan step joins two sets of rows by iterating over the driving, or outer, row set (the first child of the join) and, for each row, carrying out the steps of the inner row set (the second child). Corresponding pairs of rows are tested against the join condition specified in the query's WHERE clause. 5 1 0.055 7 This plan step accepts multiple sets of rows. Rows from the first set are eliminated using the data found in the second through n sets. 8 This plan step accepts a row set (its only child) and returns a single row by applying an aggregation function. -- 1 0.017 9 This plan step designates this statement as a SELECT statement. 418 1 0.017